[SQLITE_CANTOPEN] Unable to open the database file (unable to open database file)


I installed the dashboard and the installation was successful. However, I get this message: “[SQLITE_CANTOPEN] Unable to open the database file (unable to open database file)” when I try to view the data.

CrowdSec Version
2023/08/19 15:33:16 version: v1.5.2-debian-pragmatic-4fbc3402fba932c8bd34b671527dcf7909d264c0
2023/08/19 15:33:16 Codename: alphaga
2023/08/19 15:33:16 BuildDate: 2023-05-26_16:11:23
2023/08/19 15:33:16 GoVersion: 1.20.1
2023/08/19 15:33:16 Platform: linux
2023/08/19 15:33:16 Constraint_parser: >= 1.0, <= 2.0
2023/08/19 15:33:16 Constraint_scenario: >= 1.0, < 3.0
2023/08/19 15:33:16 Constraint_api: v1
2023/08/19 15:33:16 Constraint_acquis: >= 1.0, < 2.0

Metabase version: 0.41.5

We dont offer support directly with metabase since its a metabase issue. However, my advice would be follow the error message, exec into the container and check the path:

  • is the database mounted?
  • what are permissions on database? should be 0640
  • check the permissions outside the container /var/lib/crowdsec/data/crowdsec.db
    • Is it owned by root?
    • Is the group CrowdSec?

I don’t use the metabase directly. I installed it using the “cscli dashboard setup” command. And yes, there was an error with the database file, I fixed it in the way you suggested. However, the “[SQLITE_CANTOPEN] Unable to open the database file (unable to open database file)” error did not go away.

I don’t use the metabase directly. I installed it using the “cscli dashboard setup” command.

I understand, but we dont offer support to metabase we offer a command to automatically prop up a container with everything mounted inside.

However, I will attempt to help with 0 knowledge. Have you tried stopping and starting the container since the database issue were rectified?