How to update the metabase docker container?

When I go to the Settings page of my metabase Docker container I can see the version used is rather old (October 2020, cf. Release Metabase v0.37.0.2 · metabase/metabase · GitHub), is there a way to update the container whitout losing the data associated to it?

See this screenshot from the Settings page:

I’m using the package from Crowdsec repo and followed the install for Ubuntu 20.04, my version of Crowdsec is v1.2.1-debian-pragmatic-dd03d073558e380c283afe66942f537c3da647ff

Hey, sorry for the late reply.

We will be releasing v.1.2.2 this week. One of the changes will be an update of metabase. So your wish is granted :slight_smile:

Great news, thank you!