I am having issues getting Crowdsec working with Home Assistant and I am looking for some help or guidance on what the problem could be.
I am running Home Assistant O\S, latest version.
My Home assistant is hosted behind my own domain\subdomain using a cloudflare tunnel to access.
I installed the Crowdsec add on and have generated the API via the cordsec console window, I then installed the crowdsec cloudflare bouncer, I put the API url and API key into the bouncer.
Further down it requests 3 fields from cloudflare which are account ID, Zone ID and APi Key, I got these details by logging into cloudflare, I am using the global API Key.
Whyen I start the crwsec cloudflare bouncer up it fails to start and gets stuck in a loop, the log is writing the following information:
Had a read online and there is an indication that the API key could be the issue but I have verified the details and fields multiple times and they are correct so not sure what is going wrong which is why I have arrived here for some help!