First, I am a complete novice with this stuff so please bear that in mind when responding.
I have OpenWRT x86 installed on a mini pc and am curious to check out Crowdsec but have not found any sort of guide for setting things up on OpenWRT.
Ive installed the crowdsec, crowdsec-firewall-bouncer,and luci-app-crowdsec-firewall-bouncer packages via the Luci interface.
Anything else I need to do to get things up and running?
Thanks in advance
Have you ran through the post installation guide? Post Installation Steps | CrowdSec
I have run through the Post Installation and seem to be stuck.
I have completed the following;
Installed crowdsec, crowds ec-firewall-bouncer and luci-app-crowds ec-firewall-bouncer packages in OpenWRT
Created a Crowdsec account
I think the next step is to enroll an engine.
If I ssh into my Openwrt and run the sudo cscli console enroll $ENROLLMENT_KEY
I get the following
-ash: sudo: not found
Did I miss any steps?
There is no need to sudo in openwrt. You land in the sh shell when you login via root.
That was the issue. Thanks!!
Edit: I instaleled the Firewall bouncer in OpenWRT but do not know how to configure it. My Crowdsec console says no remediation components installed.
I know the next step is to install a bouncer.
I believe this is the page I need to follow
Im not sure if I am supposed to install the IPTables, NFTables or pf?
OK, I have the engine and bouncer up and running.
According to the Post Installation guide, the following command should tell me what log sources are already detected,
cscli metrics show acquisition
The only output I get is
ATA[2025-01-19T03:39:27Z] accepts 0 arg(s), received 2
Thanks for any tips
January 19, 2025, 10:35am
This indicates the engine version is old, can you run cscli version
Here you go:
2025/01/19 15:16:22 version: v1.6.0-openwrt-1.6.0-1
2025/01/19 15:16:22 Codename:
2025/01/19 15:16:22 BuildDate: 2024-12-28_16:14:29
2025/01/19 15:16:22 GoVersion: 1.21.13
2025/01/19 15:16:22 Platform: linux
2025/01/19 15:16:22 libre2: WebAssembly
2025/01/19 15:16:22 Constraint_parser: >= 1.0, <= 3.0
2025/01/19 15:16:22 Constraint_scenario: >= 1.0, <= 3.0
2025/01/19 15:16:22 Constraint_api: v1
2025/01/19 15:16:22 Constraint_acquis: >= 1.0, < 2.0
When I run, opkg install crowdsec, I get
Package crowdsec (1.6.0-1) installed in root is up to date.
But I get a message in the Console saying v1.6.4 available with a link !