Migrating from fal2ban I found out that fail2ban blocks sshd-Attempts, but crowdsec does not.
The Debian system has /etc/hosts.allow and /hosts.deny
fail2ban blocks hosts in the firewall which are denied by these files.
fail2ban has default rules.
This is the expected reaction.
My crowdsec uses default rules.
After investigation the detail ist the following:
cscli explain --log “2024-12-10T05:22:17.372710+00:00 myhost sshd[12345 ]: refused connect from foreign.host.com (” --type syslog --debug
shows that the log line is ignored and any next steps of crowdsec will not happen.
This is not the expected result and makes my crowdsec more unsave than my fal2ban.
Is there a default solution for this problem?
Thank you,