Problem: decisions arent being added
time="2025-02-07T13:32:18Z" level=error msg="unable to commit add decisions failed to get current state: Receive: netlink receive: no such file or directory"
crowdsec is being run on and bouncer is being run on openWRT router
crowdsec version
updatelee@Ubuntu-PC ~> cscli version
version: v1.6.4-debian-pragmatic-amd64-fb733ee4
Codename: alphaga
BuildDate: 2024-11-20_13:32:55
GoVersion: 1.23.3
Platform: linux
libre2: C++
User-Agent: crowdsec/v1.6.4-debian-pragmatic-amd64-fb733ee4-linux
Constraint_parser: >= 1.0, <= 3.0
Constraint_scenario: >= 1.0, <= 3.0
Constraint_api: v1
Constraint_acquis: >= 1.0, < 2.0
Built-in optional components: cscli_setup, datasource_appsec, datasource_cloudwatch, datasource_docker, datasource_file, datasource_http, datasource_journalctl, datasource_k8s-audit, datasource_kafka, datasource_kinesis, datasource_loki, datasource_s3, datasource_syslog, datasource_wineventlog
command used to test
updatelee@Ubuntu-PC ~ [127]> sudo cscli decisions add --ip 111.222.333.444 --duration 1m --reason "testing"
INFO Decision successfully added
OpenWRT version: OpenWrt 24.10.0
root@OpenWrt:~# opkg list-installed | grep crowdsec
crowdsec-firewall-bouncer - 0.0.31-r2
luci-app-crowdsec-firewall-bouncer - 25.037.68331~42f464c
root@OpenWrt:~# opkg list-installed | grep nft
kmod-nft-core - 6.6.73-r1
kmod-nft-fib - 6.6.73-r1
kmod-nft-nat - 6.6.73-r1
kmod-nft-offload - 6.6.73-r1
libnftnl11 - 1.2.8-r1
nftables-json - 1.1.1-r1
added the test desision in cscli on and see the failure on the bouncer log right away, remote desktop into the ip (the real one, not the one posted lol) and I can still access the remote computer and still access the server from that computer.
Any thoughts?