Hi all,
new at crowdsec and wondering for Debian + NGINX which bouncer need to be install? Should I install Firewall + NGINX or just NGINX? Thanks.
Hi all,
new at crowdsec and wondering for Debian + NGINX which bouncer need to be install? Should I install Firewall + NGINX or just NGINX? Thanks.
Hey there and thanks for joining us
If your only need is to protect your nginx server then you only need the nginx bouncer. But if your server - as most - has ssh and you need to protect that as well, you need a firewall bouncer as well. Both the iptables- and nftable bouncer would work and they get automatically configured after installation.
I hope that answered your question. If not - and you should have other questions - feel free to write again.
got it… so I can install both bouncer at the same time. Thanks for the answer.