[BUG] OPNSense - 24.7.5 & Crowdsec 1.6.3


CrowdSec 1.6.3, 1.6.3-1 distributed with OpnSense 24.7.5 (fixed in 24.7.6) introduced a bug in the service stop feature, leading to various issues:

  • Service restart will get stuck (as CrowdSec doesn’t manage to stop)
  • OpnSense and CrowdSec upgrade process will get stuck (when trying to shutdown CrowdSec)
  • Notification plugins can end up orphaned and consume an excessive amount of memory

Version 1.6.3-2 fixes the issue but currently requires manual intervention, described here:

# fetch -o /usr/local/etc/rc.d/crowdsec https://github.com/crowdsecurity/plugins/releases/download/crowdsec-1.6.3-2-hotfix/crowdsec
# killall -9 crowdsec

We are currently discussing with OpnSense maintainers to see if we can issue a fix that doesn’t require manual user intervention, and we will upgrade this thread accordingly.

Please accept our apologies, and thanks for your patience!

TL;DR Run the following command before the upgrade or if stuck during the upgrade:

# fetch -o /usr/local/etc/rc.d/crowdsec https://github.com/crowdsecurity/plugins/releases/download/crowdsec-1.6.3-2-hotfix/crowdsec
# killall -9 crowdsec