Warning in log msg="while configuring datasource : empty filename(s) and journalctl filter, malformed datasource"

time="18-03-2021 22:36:53" level=info msg="loading acquisition file : /etc/crowdsec/acquis.yaml"
time="18-03-2021 22:36:53" level=info msg="[file datasource] opening file '/var/log/secure'"
time="18-03-2021 22:36:53" level=info msg="[file datasource] opening file '/var/log/messages'"
time="18-03-2021 22:36:53" level=info msg="[file datasource] opening file '/var/log/maillog'"
time="18-03-2021 22:36:53" level=warning msg="while configuring datasource : empty filename(s) and journalctl filter, malformed datasource"

The three datasource files all exist and contain content. Why the warning?


The warning message is harmless … it is because there is an empty item in the yaml file.

I’ve opened an issue to keep track of this and fix it

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