Hello fellow Lamas,
I am currently trying to install the “ProFTPd” Collection (Link: Hub |) to my machines.
Unfortunately I am unable to do so and the error message is not really helpful.
cscli collections install crowdsecurity/proftpd
Error message:
FATA[14-11-2022 12:45:14 PM] Error while installing 'crowdsecurity/proftpd': unable to retrieve item: crowdsecurity/proftpd
I also already ran a:
cscli hub update
cscli hub upgrade --force
crowdsec version:
crowdsec -version
2022/11/14 12:40:31 version: v1.4.1-el8-rpm-e1954adc325baa9e3420c324caabd50b7074dd77
2022/11/14 12:40:31 Codename: alphaga
2022/11/14 12:40:31 BuildDate: 2022-07-25_09:51:55
2022/11/14 12:40:31 GoVersion: 1.17.5
2022/11/14 12:40:31 Platform: linux
2022/11/14 12:40:31 Constraint_parser: >= 1.0, <= 2.0
2022/11/14 12:40:31 Constraint_scenario: >= 1.0, < 3.0
2022/11/14 12:40:31 Constraint_api: v1
2022/11/14 12:40:31 Constraint_acquis: >= 1.0, < 2.0
It may have been the cache was acting up on our side. Is this still an issue today?
It is still an issue.
Again did a
cscli hub update
cscli hub upgrade --force
just to be sure.
cscli collections install crowdsecurity/iptables
INFO[15-11-2022 12:30:16 PM] Ignoring file /etc/crowdsec/hub/scenarios/crowdsecurity/vmware-vcenter-vmsa-2021-0027.yaml of type scenarios
INFO[15-11-2022 12:30:16 PM] Ignoring file /etc/crowdsec/hub/scenarios/ltsich/http-w00tw00t.yaml of type scenarios
INFO[15-11-2022 12:30:16 PM] Ignoring file /etc/crowdsec/hub/collections/crowdsecurity/http-cve.yaml of type collections
FATA[15-11-2022 12:30:16 PM] Error while installing 'crowdsecurity/proftpd': unable to retrieve item: crowdsecurity/proftpd
also tried to install some other collection to verify the connection outwards works. That was no problem.
cscli collections list --all
cscli collections install crowdsecurity/iptables
INFO[15-11-2022 12:30:45 PM] crowdsecurity/iptables-logs : OK
INFO[15-11-2022 12:30:45 PM] Enabled parsers : crowdsecurity/iptables-logs
INFO[15-11-2022 12:30:45 PM] crowdsecurity/iptables-scan-multi_ports : OK
INFO[15-11-2022 12:30:45 PM] Enabled scenarios : crowdsecurity/iptables-scan-multi_ports
INFO[15-11-2022 12:30:45 PM] crowdsecurity/iptables : OK
INFO[15-11-2022 12:30:45 PM] Enabled collections : crowdsecurity/iptables
INFO[15-11-2022 12:30:45 PM] Enabled crowdsecurity/iptables
INFO[15-11-2022 12:30:45 PM] Run 'sudo systemctl reload crowdsec' for the new configuration to be effective.
Rather odd I just ran the same commands
Removed the local crowdsec
installation and installed again.
Now it works 
Anyway. Thanks for the help