Servers IP Banned, cannot access decisions due to JWT error


So my whitelist of local IP’s did not seem to work properly. That itself is not the issue, the issue is that I cannot seem to delete the decision. This has happened before and I was able to delete it as normal, but now it throws FATA unable to retrieve decisions: performing request: Get "http://crowdsec:8080/v1/alerts?has_active_decision=true&include_capi=false&limit=100": could not get jwt token: Post "http://crowdsec:8080/v1/watchers/login": dial tcp <ip>:8080: connect: connection refused or just straight up crashes the docker container. Running it from inside the container also does not work. The LAPI key is up to date in the .env file and I can access other things like bouncers. Any ideas on how to remediate?

When you have a decision against an IP blocks access to the LAPI, you need to temporarily disable the remediation component that is enforcing the decision (in this case most likely it is the firewall bouncer) so run:

systemctl stop crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.service

then once the firewall remediation is stopped you can do the cscli decisions delete command. If you are running multiple CrowdSec’s to a single LAPI then it best to run these commands on the main LAPI itself.