New Cloudflare Bouncer Released

Hello Alpacas,

We’re thrilled to unveil the release of our new Cloudflare bouncer.

This bouncer is using Cloudflare workers, bypassing the Cloudflare API rate limiting and allowing the blocklist to be updated immediately.
It also automatically generates its configuration to work on the accounts and zones you have set up.

You’ll find the install and usage guide in our documentation.
The release is on our package cloud and you can find the sources on our github.

Note that this remediation component requires a paid Cloudflare Worker Plan in order to be able to handle the blocklist size and have no hard limit on the worker usage.

Looking forward to have your feedback about this new bouncer.
Reply to this post or join us on Discord Hello Alpacas,

We’re thrilled to unveil the release of our new Cloudflare bouncer.

This bouncer is using Cloudflare workers, bypassing the Cloudflare API rate limiting and allowing the blocklist to be updated immediately.
It also automatically generates its configuration to work on the accounts and zones you have set up.

You’ll find the install and usage guide in our documentation.
The release is on our package cloud and you can find the sources on our github.

Note that this remediation component requires a paid Cloudflare Worker Plan in order to be able to handle the blocklist size and have no hard limit on the worker usage.

Looking forward to have your feedback about this new bouncer,
In this post or on our discord

The CrowdSec Team

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