How to make permament ban

Hello, if you set duration=0 will the ban be permanent? if set to -1 it gives an error
if i put duration: 360d
duration: 720d then it doesn’t work, are there limits? if yes, where and how to find them


You cannot currently set a ban to be permanent.

Working here with 596h, which is quite long …

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Something like a blacklist would be nice.

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If you intend to be a credible alternative to fail2ban, this is essential. You need:

  • An optional collection that parses crowdsec’s own logs
  • A permanent ban rule, for example 3 ban log entries leads to permanent ban

Look up fail2ban’s recidive jail

You can’t make a permanent ban, but you can perform maths on the number of bans to determine the next ban, which is just as good. Look up duration_expr and follow the github discussion