How to block by http referer

new user here.

I’ve installed crowdsec all ok.
Very easy to get on board. All works fine out of the box.

But I’m having a hard time with some basic tasks - like adding a custom collection, scenario, parser.

How to block by http referer mentioned in apache error log and/or access log ?

Here is my current attempt:

  1. Created custom collection file:
name: custom/apache2-custom.yaml
description: "custom apache2 scenarios"
author: custom
  - crowdsecurity/http-logs
#generic post-parsing of http stuff
  - crowdsecurity/apache2-logs
  - custom/http-referer-abc-com
  - linux
  - apache2
  - crawl
  - scan
  1. Created this scenario file:


type: trigger
format: 2.0
#debug: true
name: custom/http-referer-abc-com
description: "block hosts that cause referer: in our logs"
filter: |
  evt.Meta.log_type in ["http_access-log", "http_error-log"] and
    evt.Parsed.message contains ",referer:"
groupby: "evt.Meta.source_ip"
# blackhole: 2m
  type: scan
  remediation: true

Example apache log lines are:

  • error.log example:
[Mon Oct 25 04:17:18.547111 2021] [authz_core:error] [pid 17689] [client] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /path/to/, referer:
  • access.log example: - - [25/Oct/2021:11:05:52 +0200] "GET /web/.well-known HTTP/1.1" 403 6963 "" "User-agent-string"
  • abc,com is the referer I want to block
  • 12.34…45.56 is the IP address of the “attacker”

Any help appreciated.

PS. There is no docs about evt.Parsed structure - my guess is evt.Parsed.message is the whole log file line, but I’m not sure.

More info:

I restart crowdsec via:
systemctl restart crowdsec

Which is better - restart or reload - each time I make changes to the custom yaml files?

The ‘cscli metrics’ output seems fine - looks like the apache logs are geting parsed OK. I suppose my error is in the evt.Parsed.messsage part.

Or I’m declaring the wrong parers in my custom collection yaml.

Hello @R67 ,

PS. There is no docs about evt.Parsed structure - my guess is evt.Parsed.message is the whole log file line, but I’m not sure.

Yes it is, and your filter should work if “referer:” is present in your log line.

Can you try something like this instead:

  evt.Meta.log_type in ["http_access-log", "http_error-log"] and
    evt.Parsed.referrer contains ""

If this doesn’t work, can you provide an example of a log line with a referer please ?

About the reload/restart question, reloading crowdsec when you modify a configuration file should be enough.

Thanks, @alteredCoder, using these worked

    evt.Parsed.referrer contains ""

# this also worked:

    evt.Parsed.message contains ""

This works because of access.log lines match.

Example access.log line: - - [25/Oct/2021:11:05:52 +0200] "GET /web/.well-known HTTP/1.1" 403 6963 "" "User-agent-string"

Example errorlog line:

[Mon Oct 25 04:17:18.547111 2021] [authz_core:error] [pid 17689] [client] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /path/to/, referer:

I just found out, that my error log is not parsed OK (by using cscli metrics) - because I use a non-default format in my apache config for the error log, and crowdsec can’t parse it.

So questions:

  1. how should I tweak, override the default error log parser?
    It seems it is misconfigured and hinders all my default crowdsec collections/scenarios. And the custom one(s) too.
    a) no easy/clean way to do that and so I should revert my apache config to the defaults, and then configre a 2nd custom errror log - for my needs
    b) copy the parser files and edit the collections/scenarios that reference them
    c) edit the parser files

b) and c) seem like bad ideas - hard to maintain in the future
And yet, if I go with a) - in general not having a way to fine-tune the parsers kinda sucks.

  1. Maybe start a new topic in the forum about that one ^ ?

  2. Where can I read some docs/howto-s about creating custom parsers, tweaking/overriding the default ones ?

Hello @R67,

how should I tweak, override the default error log parser?

I think the best way is to create a new parser for that:
1 - create your parser in /etc/crowdsec/parsers/s01-parse/apache_custom_error.yaml
2 - You can use this skeleton for your parser:

filter: "evt.Parsed.program startsWith 'apache2'"
onsuccess: next_stage
name: r67/apache2-custom-error-logs
description: "Parse Apache2 custom error logs"
  - grok:
      pattern: <YOUR CUSTOM GROK HERE>
      apply_on: message
      # these ones apply for both grok patterns
        - meta: log_type
          value: http_error-log
        - target: evt.StrTime
          expression: evt.Parsed.timestamp
        - meta: service
          value: http
        - meta: source_ip
          expression: evt.Parsed.clientip
    onsuccess: next_stage

and adapt it to your need (don’t forget the modify the grok with your custom format and add/remove the wanted statics)
3 - Then restart crowdsec, your custom errors log should be parsed :slight_smile:

  1. Maybe start a new topic in the forum about that one ^ ?

Yes this can be a good idea if it is not clear on what to do !

  1. Where can I read some docs/howto-s about creating custom parsers, tweaking/overriding the default ones ?

Here is the documentation to create new parser: Creating parsers | CrowdSec

Thanks a lot!

Final question:
I’ve decided to use a local file for the offending referrers - so I created a local file:

I put in my scenario:

description: “block hosts using offending referers”
filter: |
evt.Meta.log_type == ‘http_access-log’ and any(File(‘bad_referers_custom.txt’), {evt.Parsed.referrer == #})"

  • source_url: “…”
    dest_file: bad_referers_custom.txt
    type: string

So I don’t want to host the data file at some public URL. How to use a local file in the filter?

This is not working ? Have you some errors ?

The File() function take a filepath relative to the /var/lib/crowdsec/data/ folder. So your filter should work.

at first I had a non-matching double quote and that lead to failing reload/restart.
Then I removed the data: section and now the file looks like:

type: trigger
format: 2.0
#debug: true
name: r2/http-bad-referers-custom
description: "block hosts using offending referers"
filter: |
  evt.Meta.log_type == 'http_access-log' and
  any(File('bad_referers_custom.txt'), {evt.Parsed.referrer contains #})
groupby: "evt.Meta.source_ip"
# blackhole: 2m
  service: http
  type: scan
  remediation: true

No syntax errors on reload/restart but it does not block my test log entries.

This now works:

filter: |
  evt.Meta.log_type == 'http_access-log' and
  any(File('bad_referers_custom.txt'), {evt.Parsed.referrer contains #})
  - source_url: "..."
    dest_file: bad_referers_custom.txt
    type: string

… but it uses “contains” and what I want is exact match - sth like == or “matches”.
So far I can’t make it work with exact matching though.

Tried ading quotes around #, tried adding quotes in the .txt file itself. No luck.
Tried using expr’s matches with sth like ‘^#$’ - dit not work.

docs here: expr/ at master · antonmedv/expr · GitHub

The problem is that the referer is captured inside double quote like "" . I will fix the parser so it will works with ==. I keep you posted when the parser is fixed.

Hello @R67,

The fix has been merged. Can you upgrade the apache2-logs parser (sudo cscli hub update and sudo cscli parsers upgrade crowdsecurity/apache2-logs ) and retry with the == please?