Hi. Title kinda says it all. Install went smooth, got the web GUI Metabase installed and working w/ minimal problems.
I woke up this morning to see I’ve already had a couple bad actors come knocking and get banned.
My question though is what exactly does http-bad-user-agent mean? I tried looking this up, but I guess it’s just something crowdsec has defined somewhere. Should I be concerned? It looks like they were banned.
oh, ok, cool. I think I follow. But I’m not seeing a lot of information about what user-agent was used. Only that it came from DigitalOcean. Would I need to modify the decisions to set the logging higher to see more information then? Like exactly which user-agent got flagged?
If you want to view the user agent that got flagged, you can do :
cscli alerts list to get the the ID of the alert cscli alerts inspect <alert_id> -d to view the details of the alert (here you should the user agent that got flagged