Error in bouncer crowdsec firewall

In the log crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.log I see a lot of error notifications, is crowdsec blocking ips ?

Please, can anybody help me ?

====log crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.log====
time=“07-09-2022 06:44:55” level=info msg=“Error while deleting from set (/usr/sbin/ipset -exist del crowdsec-blacklists exit status 1 → ipset v7.1: The set with the given name does not exist\n”
time=“07-09-2022 06:44:55” level=info msg=“Error while deleting from set (/usr/sbin/ipset -exist del crowdsec-blacklists exit status 1 → ipset v7.1: The set with the given name does not exist\n”
time=“07-09-2022 06:44:55” level=info msg=“Error while deleting from set (/usr/sbin/ipset -exist del crowdsec-blacklists exit status 1 → ipset v7.1: The set with the given name does not exist\n”
time=“07-09-2022 06:44:55” level=info msg=“Error while deleting from set (/usr/sbin/ipset -exist del crowdsec-blacklists exit status 1 → ipset v7.1: The set with the given name does not exist\n”
time=“07-09-2022 06:44:55” level=info msg=“37 decisions deleted”
time=“07-09-2022 06:45:35” level=info msg=“Error while inserting in set (/usr/sbin/ipset -exist add crowdsec-blacklists timeout 14392): exit status 1 → ipset v7.1: The set with the given name does not exist\n”
time=“07-09-2022 06:45:35” level=info msg=“Error while inserting in set (/usr/sbin/ipset -exist add crowdsec-blacklists timeout 14392): exit status 1 → ipset v7.1: The set with the given name does not exist\n”
time=“07-09-2022 06:45:35” level=info msg=“2 decisions added”