Decisions history?

Is it possible to display all the decisions taken ?
I can only see the active decisions with
cscli decisions list -a --origin crowdsec


 cscli version 
2022/10/31 10:38:45 version: v1.4.1-debian-pragmatic-e1954adc325baa9e3420c324caabd50b7074dd77
2022/10/31 10:38:45 Codename: alphaga
2022/10/31 10:38:45 BuildDate: 2022-07-25_09:20:06
2022/10/31 10:38:45 GoVersion: 1.17.5
2022/10/31 10:38:45 Platform: linux
2022/10/31 10:38:45 Constraint_parser: >= 1.0, <= 2.0
2022/10/31 10:38:45 Constraint_scenario: >= 1.0, < 3.0
2022/10/31 10:38:45 Constraint_api: v1
2022/10/31 10:38:45 Constraint_acquis: >= 1.0, < 2.0

Hello, no you can’t see the decisions that has expired with cscli (you can only do it if you query directly the database).
However, you can query all the alerts that were emitted by crowdsec with cscli alerts list --all .