Custom collections?


Is there a way to easily install custom collections? (same for parsers, scenarios, …)

For now, as custom collections, I would mainly see it as an easy way to install all dependencies of desired local config (include desired collections/parsers/scenarios/…)

If there is nothing implemented yet, I would suggest to either:

  • support alternate “private” hub along the public one
  • easily allow to parse files in collections/ to install all dependencies

Is there an easy way to list everything that is not currently in dependencies of something else? (to help clean what is not currently desired)

Hey Ze :wink:

This is a great proposal. I’m guessing it could either be made through a private GitHub repo or better even, we could implement this on the Hub directly. If so, we have to maintain a publication flow, user data processing, eventually curation (to avoid bad scenarii or just people posting insults in their files, etc.).

Anyway needed, I’ll check with the tech team what they have in mind regarding this point.

Happy new year!