Crowdsec service no longer starts: unknown func ParseKV

My previously working crowdsec install on Ubuntu 22.04 stopped working last night. The service no longer starts and the following is in the logs. Could someone help to point me in the right direction?

time=“19-07-2023 09:41:51” level=error msg=“Statics Compilation failed unknown func ParseKV (1:1)\n | ParseKV(evt.Parsed.message, evt.Unmarshaled, "iptables")\n | ^.” id=red-wind name=crowdsecurity/iptables-logs stage=s01-parse
time=“19-07-2023 09:41:51” level=fatal msg=“crowdsec init: Failed to load parsers: failed to load parser config : failed to compile node ‘crowdsecurity/iptables-logs’ in ‘/etc/crowdsec/parsers/s01-parse/iptables-logs.yaml’ : unknown func ParseKV (1:1)\n | ParseKV(evt.Parsed.message, evt.Unmarshaled, "iptables")\n | ^”

Somehow I had two installs of crowdsec. I ran the following commands which fixed the issue.

systemctl stop crowdsec.service
cd /usr/local/bin/
rm crowdsec
ln -s /usr/bin/crowdsec .
systemctl start crowdsec.service

Discord thread