Creating a file (non syslog) parser and the filter:

I have been told to not post questions in the discourse and also ask question in the discord sever so I am removing all my posts from discourse.

I have been told to not post questions in the discourse and also ask question in the discord sever so I am removing all my posts from discourse.

Hey @baudneo :slight_smile:

Thanks for your message !

Yes, in the current state, if the service is not detected by the wizard, the user has to manually add the entries in his acquis.yaml/acquis.d file/directory.

Hopefully in the soon future, cscli collections add will as well generate the acquis file for the collection :slight_smile:

Can you let me know what parts are too sparse or what you would be looking for ? We’ll be happy to improve it, doc is a never ending effort, please bear with us. Hopefully this for parsers and that for scenarios might help !

You can, there is no restrictions on syslog-only or 3rd part log format.

Don’t hesitate to jump on discord, and we’ll be happy to help !