Can't add security engine to blocklist

Hi, I been trying to add new server to my 3 free blocklist but the confirm subscription and even the cancel button is unresponsive. I already have existing servers on the blocklist but cannot add new. Maybe it’s a bug in the console button or am I missing something?

crowdsec cscli metrics

you should see the list you subscribed too.

Yeah I can see the list in cscli metrics for other servers but new server can’t even add due to the button not responding in the console website. Is there any limit to how many security engine can add in the blocklist? Is it only me or this happening to others also?

Oh yes one security engine per free or paid for thr 31 dollar plan.

If you have a screenshot that would help. Im learning this as well.

As far I know 3 blocklist for free and I don’t think there is any limit to security engine adding to those blocklist. I have few servers in the blocklist already and they working fine. Just can’t add new due to the button unresponsive. I think also possible to do that from the command line but if it’s an issue in the console website then better to investigate so can fix it.

Just noticed I had to subscribe to the blocklist again even though I been subscribed for long. Now I wonder how long my security engine didn’t get the update from the blocklist. I can’t find any email notification regarding this. Is there anyway to check when the security engine got last update from the blocklist?