Apt, PPA, Yum and other packaged repositories

Creating this thread to track progress on moving the install/update of binaries and configs from the current shell script into OS compatible yum/apt repository format.

We are planning a large deploy of the CrowdSec technology that is pending this development milestone.

Can someone from the core development or PM team please comment on timeline for this?

Hello Grant,

Happy new year o/

We are actively working on packaging it for debian into the official repositories. To be more precise, the last dependencies of crowdsec are being pushed so that crowdsec itself can be packaged (hopefully by end of january or early february). This will first target crowdsec itself, maybe along with a bouncer (cs-firewall-bouncer). Other bouncers will follow when it makes sense (for example, cs-nginx-bouncer likely won’t).

Once this is done, we’ll start as well distributing as well our own debian packages with each release (once dealt with repositories setup and CI).

However, we didn’t start the process of creating RPM packages for crowdsec yet, but it is next on the packages list.

So I guess we can quite safely assume debian packages in Q1 (both upstream and as CI results on release), and RPM in Q2 (or Q1 if we get lucky).

Let me know if you want to chat about it !

Thanks @thibault - looking forward to testing the APT repo once it’s ready. Is it still on track to happen very soon?

Yes, pragmatic packaging is on its way to happen very soon. We are looking forward to have your feedback on this !

On va devoir désinstaller la version installée manuellement ?

No @Symbian001 I don’t think so, the package will stick (afaik) to the existing paths :slight_smile:
Next upgrade would simply be able to be done via debian packages !

Hi there,

debian repositories are now available, we’ll look into rpm too now.