AppSec (WAF) Feedback (Poll)

Hey :wave:

We appreciate your feedback on the current status of AppSec Component (WAF) and we currently see a lot of users not using this functionality compared to normal use of CrowdSec.

Let us know the reason if you are NOT using this functionality.

  • My webserver doesnt support it
  • I dont understand the benefits
  • It seems too complicated / time intensive
  • I dont want to use it
0 voters

If you have any additional feedback that doesnt fully convey from the options above then please add them into this thread!

I, personally, really like the feature. What holds us back from using it in production right now, is the lack in mTLS support. Since this is already on the roadmap ([APPSEC] Allow MTLS auth · Issue #3172 · crowdsecurity/crowdsec · GitHub), we started playing around with it anyway.


I have it enabled on NGIX (NPMPlus)

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Why is the poll missing options that you do use it? seems a little strange to only have negative options :joy:

I do use it and I think (some) people aren’t using it since they’re not aware of it, like I was until recently.

So if you ask me the solution is simple. Make it more visible somehow and communicate things more/push them.

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