Telegram Notification Bug

Compose Stack.
Traefik - CrowdSec - Bouncer-traefik

cscli version

2023/05/09 11:25:56 version: v1.4.6-5f71037b40c498045e1b59923504469e2b8d0140
2023/05/09 11:25:56 Codename: alphaga
2023/05/09 11:25:56 BuildDate: 2023-02-09_14:37:12
2023/05/09 11:25:56 GoVersion: 1.19.5
2023/05/09 11:25:56 Platform: linux
2023/05/09 11:25:56 Constraint_parser: >= 1.0, <= 2.0
2023/05/09 11:25:56 Constraint_scenario: >= 1.0, < 3.0
2023/05/09 11:25:56 Constraint_api: v1
2023/05/09 11:25:56 Constraint_acquis: >= 1.0, < 2.0

Telegram works fine with other containers. The problem is only with CrowdSec Notifications