False positives occuring with Nextcloud and eBook reader Kavita

Hi there,

Got more or less the same issue.
Installed crowdsec on my Nextcloud server and got banned at my first login attempt.

# cscli decisions list
|  ID   |  SOURCE  |   SCOPE:VALUE   |                REASON                | ACTION | COUNTRY |   AS    | EVENTS |     EXPIRATION     | ALERT ID |
| 43984 | crowdsec | Ip:x.x.x.x| crowdsecurity/http-crawl-non_statics | ban    | FR      |  Orange |     47 | 1h57m54.664254699s |       62 |

Then took a look at the http-crawl-non_statics scenario :


Thus, it is just about high rate requests on non static ressources.
Unfortunately, the Nextcloud browser-side code is known to generate a lot of requests (which tends to offer poor user experience).

However, quicly parsed my Apache logs :

cat drive.access.log | cut -d' ' -f8 | cut -d'/' -f-4 | sort | uniq -c
    1 /index.php/js/core
      3 /index.php/login
      1 /index.php/svg/activity
      1 /index.php/svg/circles
     43 /index.php/svg/contacts
    187 /index.php/svg/core
      2 /index.php/svg/deck
      8 /index.php/svg/files

Hummm, looks that multiple requests to /index.php/svg is the root cause.

Then, took a look at :


but due to some syntax errors with usage of ‘expression’ in the yaml config file, had to adjust based on :


So, finally, I ended with creating the following whitelist file :

vi /etc/crowdsec/parsers/s02-enrich/mynextcloudwhitelist.yaml
name: crowdsecurity/mynextcloudwhitelist
description: "Whitelist events from nextcloud legitimate access"
  reason: "ignore index.php/svg"
    - evt.Parsed.request contains "'/index.php/svg/'"

Then :

systemctl restart crowdsec

Removed the false-positive decision :

cscli decisions delete --id 43984

Job done (it looks).

Please, consider this as a candidate workaround ; not a perfect fix.
